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7 AM – NOON & 1 PM – 7 pm

Sat & Sun
8 AM – NOON & 1 PM – 5 PM

Agility Training

Fusion Pet Retreat’s training center has a wide range of class offerings to fit many dogs’ needs. Each class is lead by an experienced instructor, dedicated to personal growth and continuing education in the field. We focus on a positive and progressive approach to dog training and behavior.

All classes are hosted in the comfort of a climate-controlled 11,000 sq. ft. indoor facility.

Upcoming Agility Training Classes

Building Blocks of Agility I

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $175

In this class you and your dog will build confidence and develop the strong foundation skills of agility. Handlers and dogs will learn how to teach body awareness, how to get engagement, proper reinforcement, and beginning obstacle performance on jumps, tunnels and other equipment.

Requirements: Dogs should be at least 1 year old and have taken a Basic Obedience Class.

Never done agility before? Just looking to try it out? Check out our

FUNgility Class

To join the waitlist for class please email

Building Blocks of Agility 2

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $175

This class will continue to build the teamwork between you and your dog in the sport of agility. You will continue to work on skills from Building Blocks of Agility I as well as introducing basic handling maneuvers, A-frame, and start to teach your dog’s teeter performance.

Requirements: All dogs must be one (1) year of age and have completed Building Blocks of Agility I or have Training Director approval (email to get approval)

Class Sessions:

  • Tuesdays @ 10am with Beth H
  • Thursdays @ 3pm with Beth H

Building Blocks of Agility 3

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $175

This class will be taking the skills you have learned in both Building Blocks 1 & 2 and taking them to the next level. We will continue teaching your dog’s teeter and A-Frame performance, work on handling maneuvers, practice jumping skills, and introduce weave poles.

Requirements: Building Blocks 1 & 2 or have Training Director Approval (email to get approval)

Class Sessions:

  • Wednesdays @ 3:45pm with Beth C
  • Thursdays @ 1:50pm with Beth H

Building Blocks of Agility 4 - Beginning Sequencing and Handling

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $175

This class will be taking the skills you have learned in previous Building Blocks classes and get you ready for our Novice Handling Class. You will work on completing your dogs contact performances, learning the weaves, and learning to apply handling maneuvers in small sequences.

Requirements: Building Blocks 1, 2, & 3 or have Training Director approval (email to get approval)

Recommended Class To Take Next: Upon graduation from our Building Blocks of Agility program, we recommend students take our Novice Handling Class.

Class Sessions:

  • Mondays @1:15pm with Beth H
  • Tuesdays @ 4:45pm with Mary
  • Wednesdays @ 6:15pm with Amanda
  • Thursdays @ 4:20pm with Britt

Novice Handling Class

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $145 for split ring; $160 for whole ring

In this class teams will work on basic handling sequences and will receive continued instruction on all equipment to build confidence and knowledge in preparation for novice level competition. Teams should have experience with ALL obstacles and proficiency on most obstacles, but may still be working to master some skills such as weaves in sequence or contact criteria.

Requirements: Successful completion of entire Building Blocks Program or full proficiency on all obstacles (including at least 6 weaves and full height contacts)

Class Sessions:

  • Mondays @ 2:30pm with Beth H
  • Tuesdays @ 3:30pm with Danielle
  • Wednesdays @ 8am with Beth H
  • Wednesdays @ 6:15pm with Kelsey
  • Wednesdays @ 7:30pm with Kelsey
  • Thursdays @ 1:50pm with Lori
  • Thursdays @ 3pm with Lori
  • Thursdays @ 7:45pm with Kara


Advanced Handling Class

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $160

In this class you will continue to build you and your dog’s coursework skills as a team. Students will work on handling sequences with increasing difficulty in preparation for open/advanced level competition and beyond.

Class Sessions:

  • Mondays @ 8am with Beth H
  • Mondays @ 9:15am with Beth H
  • Mondays @ 7:30pm with Caitlin
  • Tuesdays @ 1pm with Darci
  • Tuesdays @ 8:30pm with Lisa
  • Wednesdays @ 1:15pm with Elizabeth
  • Thursdays @ 9:10am with Jen
  • Thursdays @ 10:20am with Beth
  • Thursdays @ 5:20pm with Amanda
  • Thursdays @ 6:30pm with Christina

Masters Handling Class

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $160

In this class teams will tackle coursework geared towards the masters level of competition. Students will work on fine-tuning techniques, adding more advanced skills to their handling toolbox, and will be challenged with more demanding courses.

Class Sessions:

  • Mondays @ Noon with Beth H
  • Mondays @ 3:45pm with Beth H
  • Mondays @ 6:00pm with Caitlin
  • Tuesdays @ 8:00am with Beth H
  • Tuesdays @ 2:15pm with Darci
  • Tuesdays @ 7:30pm with Leanne
  • Wednesdays @ 10:15am with Dawn
  • Wednesdays @ 11:30am with Dawn
  • Thursdays @ 11:30am with Beth H
  • Thursdays @ 12:40pm with Beth H
Agility Dog Training Dog 5

International Handling Class

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $175

This class will focus on analyzing and executing full length courses involving skills that teams might see in the following classes or events: Premier, Masters Challenge Biathlon, Masters Series, National-level events, and/or tryouts for international teams.  Expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone!

Class Sessions:

Tuesdays @ 6pm with Leanne

Wednesdays @ 5pm with Amanda


Drop In Handling Class

Length: 1 – 1 hour lesson
Cost: $22.50

Want some extra practice? This class is perfect for you! This class will be a one day Drop-In agility class. The class will have nested courses appropriate for all levels from Novice to Masters. The class will be taught by one of Fusion’s qualified instructors. Each student will have individual instruction given to them during their turn.


  • Tuesdays @ 11:30am with Dawn or Beth H
  • Thursdays @ 8am with Beth H
Agility Dog Training Dog 5

Drop In International Handling Class

Length: 1 1-hr lessons
Cost: $22.50

This class will be a one day Drop-In agility class. The class will have courses with challenges that are unique to international style courses. Each student will have individual instruction given to them during their turn.

Dogs should be proficient in all obstacles and competing currently. This class is not appropriate for dogs or handlers who are new to agility and just learning crosses. These courses will be challenging and are meant for as preparation in UKI or Premier style courses.


  • Fridays at 4:45pm with Amanda Edstrom
Agility Dog Training Dog 5

Choose Your Own Adventure: Personalized Skills Class

Length: 4 – 1 hour lessons + Online Instruction
Cost: $120

This class allows you to choose a single skill you want to ​further advance over the course block. Each week you will receive one-on-one time with the coach. Skill progress will be evaluated, a customized home training plan suggested for between classes, and in-class time to practice. In addition to biweekly class instruction, there will be three 20 minute ring rentals included in the class price.  Also included, support and instruction via the class FB group page during the weeks class does not meet.

Agility Dog Training Dog 5

Small Spaces, Big Skills (Masters Levels Skills Class)

Length: 8 1-hr lessons
Cost: $160

This 8-week class will focus on practicing and refining skills that teams might see in the following classes or events: Premier, Masters Challenge Biathlon, Masters Series, National-level events, and/or tryouts for international teams. This class is a great opportunity for teams planning to attend the US Open, AKC Nationals or AKC Invitationals! Skills may include difficult weave entries/exits, independent backsides, treadles, discriminations, etc. Teams should be proficient with ALL obstacles and performing at the Masters level. This class will not be full courses, but will feature 4-5 obstacle sequences to grow skills and try new options. Expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone!


  • Thursdays @ 7:45pm with Christina
Agility Dog Training Dog 5

Skills and Short Sequences: Advanced -Master/International

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $160

Masters and Premier/International level skills and short sequences.  Learn about different handling options for sequences, proofing your skills, handling to support your verbals, increasing distance and independence, layering, and more.  Different skills and sequences each week.  This is a great supplement to your regular classes.


  • Mondays @ 10:45am with Beth H
  • Tuesdays @ 9:10am with Beth H
Agility Dog Training Dog 5

Walking Agility

Length: 8 – 1 hour lessons
Cost: $160

Walking Agility is a technique for building and improving handling skills. Handlers will work at only a walking pace on agility courses and short sequences. This helps build distance skills, and handling skills. You will learn timing and clarity of cueing for your dog, how to turn your dog at a distance and from behind or ahead. Dogs build obstacle independence, obstacle focus and commitment and best of all, confidence. Most handlers are actually amazed how much their dog already can do when the handling is calmer and clearer.


  • Thursdays @ 8am with Beth H

Our Competitive Sports Training Team

Fusion’s passionate team of professionals are trained by a certified behaviorist and take continuing education seriously.

Amanda Edstrom

Agility Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Allie Holmdahl

Agility Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Beckie Lloyd

Conformation Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Beth Crowley

Agility Instructor

I have been involved in agility since 2004 when I began training my first competition dog. I have trained 2 Newfoundland dogs and 3 Golden Retrievers. My current dogs are Ticket, age 8 and Mojo age 1. I began teaching agility to students around 2013. I especially like to teach handlers the foundational skills they need to teach their dogs to be successful in the sport. It is my goal to make agility fun and to help build a positive relationship between the handler and their dog.

Beth Hostetter

Agility Instructor

As a Certified OneMind Dogs Instructor, I love using and teaching the OneMind Dogs method to help my students better understand their dogs. It is a joy to see these teams come together and grow. Clear communication, that is natural to the dog, increases both speed and confidence, while allowing the handler to work calmer and at greater distance.  My classes focus on the handler understanding their dog, team building, and growing confidence in dogs and handlers alike.

Britt Sepanski

Assistant Training Director & Agility Instructor

I love working with our “special needs” dogs that don’t know how to play, teaching them to open up and learn appropriate play so they can make friends. In my freetime, I compete in agility with my dogs.

Caitlin Varhalla

Agility Instructor

I have been training and competing in agility for the last 20 years and currently share my home with two border collies. I am constantly evolving in my training and am always excited to try new things and approaches with my students. I try and make every class a positive fun experience where everyone leaves excited to come back.

Christina Wessels

Agility Instructor

When I took my first tentative step into the sport of agility with my first Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Nikko, back in 2012, I was immediately hooked. I love the partnership you form with your dog and the challenge of training skills and running courses. I now compete in AKC and UKI with three Tollers and have been an agility instructor since 2016. I particularly enjoy working with young dogs and new handlers just discovering the joy of agility for themselves.

Courtnie Ausmus

Agility Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Danielle Wagner

Agility Instructor

I have been training and showing dogs since I was three. Agility is my first passion, which has grown over the years. During this time, I have trained several breeds, providing me with a diverse skill set that enables me to train my dogs to the highest level possible. It is my passion to help people with their dogs, by helping them to build a connection, a working relationship, and skills to help them achieve their goals. Watching the partnership succeed is one of the best things about teaching.

Dawn Plekkenpol

Agility Instructor

Darci Wagner

Agility Instructor

I have been training and competing with my dogs my whole life.  I grew up showing in conformation and obedience but my true love is Agility. Over the years I have owned many different breeds from small to tall which gives a great perspective for when it comes to teaching agility classes and I definitely think there is not a one size fits all approach to teaching agility.

Elizabeth Doyle

General Manager &
Agility Instructor

I have been competing in dog agility since I was 11 years old. I have had the opportunity to train many different dogs. Currently I train with my two border collies. When teaching, I try to bring my knowledge and experiences to provide an individualized approach for each dog.

Denise Nord

Rally & Competitive Obedience Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Gretchen Olson

Conformation Instructor

My adventures in AKC sports began over 20 years ago, showing my two Golden Retrievers in agility. After cheering on friends in the conformation ring for many years, I got an opportunity in 2010 to join the fun with a beautiful Golden named Suri. In a entry of 300 puppies, she won BOSS in puppy sweeps at our National Specialty. She went on to earn her Bronze Grand Championship. Her son Sterling has also achieved Bronze Grand Champion, with group placements along the way. He has also won multiple Owner Handler Best in Show’s! I would love to help other owner-handlers achieve their dreams!

Jennifer Sorum

Agility Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Julie Heller

Agility Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Kara Maytag Kaszas

Agility Instructor

Kara has owned and occasionally bred Standard Schnauzers for the past 20 years. She competes in Conformation,
Agility, Barn Hunt, Dock Diving, Scentwork, FastCAT, Obedience and Rally with her dogs. When not busy with dog
activities she is cheering on her 12 year old daughter in dance, crafting, cooking, baking or curling.

Kelsey Germscheid

Agility Instructor

I’ve been around the agility world since being a junior handler, and have also trained in Obedience and Scentwork. I love using training to teach a better relationship between dogs and their people, and my favorite thing is seeing that relationship bloom while our dogs learn new skills. When not teaching or training my own Sheltie, Renly, I love to do anything outdoors whether that be hiking, camping, skiing; along with practicing photography on the side.

Leanne Wortman

Agility Instructor

I have been active in the sport of agility since 2007.  Learning new things and striving to be a better trainer and handler for my dogs is a major part of what I love about the sport.  I have been fortunate enough to train with some amazing instructors from near and far, as well as compete locally, regionally, and nationally.  I enjoy helping teams add skills to their toolbox and learning from both my human and canine students.

Lisa Hennen

Agility Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Lori McKusick

Rally Obedience and Agility Instructor

I’ve been training dogs for 14 years. After trying many dog sports, my favorites are Agility and Rally because she enjoys the mental challenge of memorizing courses. I will provide challenging practice courses each week at all AKC Rally levels.

Mary Frank

Agility Instructor

Bio coming soon!

Take a Tour

Want to learn more about us?

Our staff would love a chance to show you around and answer all of your questions.

If you would like to tour our facility after watching the virtual tour, feel free to come in during any of these time windows:

  • Monday 10-11am,
  • Tuesday 10-11am or 5-6pm,
  • Wednesday 10-11am or 2-3pm,
  • Thursday 10-11am or 5-6pm,
  • Friday 10-11am.